Questa AutoCheck
A fully automatic formal bug hunting app that finds bugs due to common RTL coding errors
Questa AutoCheck helps you to find bugs early in your design. It automatically generates properties to support an ever-growing variety of static and dynamic checks such as dead code analysis, finite state machine deadlock, combinatorial loops, and liveness; covering common design errors and unimagined corner cases.
Questa Formal Solutions
Questa AutoCheck is provided by Siemens Digital Industries. It is part of the Questa Formal Solutions, which gives the "Power of Formal" both to everyone and to experts.
White Paper
This paper seeks to take the mystery out of the use of formal methods for hardware verification. In this discussion, we will first explain formal methods as clearly and concisely as possible. We will then look at the state of the industry and the changes over the last decade or so that have enabled the widespread use of formal methods for hardware verification. With this knowledge in-hand, we will examine and explain the contents of DO-254 Appendix B 3.3.3 “Formal Methods.” Finally, we will bring this information together and provide recommendations for using formal methods on a DO- 254 project.
Questa AutoCheck Benefits
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Tools for Simulation and Verification
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